They also reside in rival cities, with Kerubim being in Bonta and Achtam lolling around in the streets of Brakmar.
Cain and Abel: Even more so than Dofus: Kerub's Bazaar, Kerubim and Achtam: The former is a succesfull, good-natured former adventurer Cat Folk with puffy white fur who has retired, the latter is a psychotic, envious mercenary with no hair and a rotten disposition. Butt-Monkey: Khan Karkass, who essentially join the quest by sheer coincidence, has no idea of what he's dealing with and is very unlucky. Bunny-Ears Lawyer: While Khan Karkass is an incredibly vain and arrogant narcissist, he does recognize and value talent: when Joris proves to be incredibly gifted for Boufball, he immediately enlists him despite his age, and seems to be honest about the deal. Near the end, when she shows the way in to Khan, the same thing happens, only this time Khan actually pull her in. Brick Joke: Near the beginning, Joris and Lilotte infiltrate the Stadium from a barred window, but Lilotte gets struck, tells Joris to go on without her and he tries to pull her in regardless. However, in the end he's still got his friends, and a home, and anyone who's seen Wakfu knows that he grows up to be a huge badass. DOFUS BOOK 1 KERUB GIF VS JULITH MOVIE
By the end of the movie he's lost his adoptive father, lost his mother, and his real father for the second time, saw his friends get their souls get sucked out in front of him, had his home ripped apart, and now has to raise his former-adopted father. Heck, even when Bakara thinks of empowering herself with the Ivory Dofus she envisions her chest swelling to a bigger size!
Boobs of Steel: Julith is the bustiest female character of the movie, and she easily overpowers her opponents with both magic and melee combat.Not only she can attack with it, it also acts as a multi-dimensional Bag of Holding. Badass Cape: Julith's cape would give Spawn a serious case of envy.