Sneaky ninja dog wants the bone
Sneaky ninja dog wants the bone


That’s what I wish people understood about Pyr’s. The seasons change to cold or hot and Molly starts shedding. BUT!! I could collect her shedding hair, spin it into yarn, and open a sweater/knitted goods store from her fur alone!! They do shed A LOT. These are such great dogs there aren’t enough words to say how great. She barks when I neither see nor hear anything! She has all the traits of the Pyr: loving, loyal, determined…to ‘have it her way’, and my side-kick. Phineas would rather get stepped on than move out of the way, Baxter is the oldest and claims all territory as his, but loves his siblings, Cassie is the diva and prefers my lap to any other place, except maybe her fuzzy doll blanket, Molly would rather bark than eat! She is a GORGEOUS tan and champagne color, huge, smart, marches-to-her-own-drum, and extremely vocal, just as Kelsie said. We have a Lab-Pit mix–Phineas, a Gorgeous Rat Terrier–Baxter, an adorable little long-haired Toy Jack Russell-Chihuahua–Cassie, and a Great Pyrenees-German Sheperd–Molly, as house dogs. We had to take him to the vet yesterday –he is now too big to carry, and he braced his feet like he was on waterskis! “Nope, not going in there!” Hopefully, in a few days when he starts going to the dog park, he will change his mind about SUV. The farmers never took him in vehicle except for his first shots when a ball of fluff.

sneaky ninja dog wants the bone

When he first came here, he ate all the soil from a planter, and the little tree in it! One thing we are struggling with is taking him in the vehicle–he is terrified of it and wants to stay home. We have him on Nutro for puppies with a real meat meal every day and he is growing by leaps and bounds.

sneaky ninja dog wants the bone sneaky ninja dog wants the bone

We got Yukon at 21 weeks from a farm–he is quite skinny–the woman said they were feeding him adult alpo–not a puppy chow. We had a pyr before, our lovley Shasta, but she didn’t like it in the house much–and so I don’t think she every had a pee incident. Rivera also released a memoir, Sorry Not Sorry: Dreams, Mistakes, and Growing, in 2016.We are having trouble housebreaking our Yukon! He doesn’t pee a lot in the house but has had almost one accident per day since we adopted him 10 days ago.


Most recently, she starred in Step Up: High Water, a YouTube Premium series based on the popular Step Up film franchise. She made her film debut in At the Devil's Door in 2014. After Glee concluded in 2015, Rivera released the single "Sorry" featuring her ex-fiancé, Big Sean.


She later had small roles on TV hits like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Family Matters, Baywatch, and Even Stevens. The California native got her start in Hollywood at the age of 4, playing Hillary Winson on the 1991 sitcom The Royal Family. Rivera was best known for playing quick-witted cheerleader Santana Lopez on all six seasons of Fox's Glee.

sneaky ninja dog wants the bone

Dorsey is Rivera's only child from her four-year marriage to Ryan Dorsey. The young boy was found alone on the drifting boat and told investigators that he and his mom were swimming together but she never got back into the boat. She was reported missing on July 8 after spending the afternoon on Lake Piru in Ventura County, Calif., in a rented pontoon boat with her 4-year-old son, Josey Hollis Dorsey. Glee star Naya Rivera was found dead on July 13 after going missing during a boat trip on a California lake, police confirmed.

Sneaky ninja dog wants the bone